
Bariatric procedures are safe and effective treatments for obesity, inducing rapid and sustained loss of excess body weight. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) is unique among bariatric interventions in that it is a reversible procedure in which normal gastrointestinal anatomy is maintained. Knowledge regarding how LAGB effects change at the metabolite level is limited. To delineate the impact of LAGB on fasting and postprandial metabolite responses using targeted metabolomics. Individuals undergoing LAGB at NYU Langone Medical Center were recruited for a prospective cohort study. We prospectively analyzed serum samples from 18 subjects at baseline and 2 months after LAGB under fasting conditions and after a 1-hour mixed meal challenge. Plasma samples were analyzed on a reverse-phase liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry metabolomics platform. The main outcome measure was their serum metabolite profile. We quantitatively detected over 4,000 metabolites and lipids. Metabolite levels were altered in response to surgical and prandial stimuli, and metabolites within the same biochemical class tended to behave similarly in response to either stimulus. Plasma levels of lipid species and ketone bodies were statistically decreased after surgery whereas amino acid levels were affected more by prandial status than surgical condition. Changes in lipid species and ketone bodies postoperatively suggest improvements in the rate and efficiency of fatty acid oxidation and glucose handling after LAGB. Further investigation is necessary to understand how these findings relate to surgical response, including long term weight maintenance, and obesity-related comorbidities such as dysglycemia and cardiovascular disease.

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