
The purposes of this study were to examine whether body sway is altered immediately after strabismus surgery in children and to find preoperative clinical factors associated with body sway. In a prospective study, body sway was measured on 1-3 days before surgery and on the third day after surgery; for the measurements, computerized static stabilometry was carried out on 28 consecutive patients with strabismus (age range: 3 to 12 years old; mean: 7.4) who underwent strabismus surgery under general anesthesia. The linear length of the sway path (cm), the linear length of the sway path in a particular unit of time (cm/second), and the area of the sway path (cm2), indicative of the extent of body sway, all increased significantly among a total of 28 patients in both conditions of the patient's eyes open and closed, as well as among those in a subgroup of 16 patients with exotropia, after they had undergone strabismus surgery (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon signed ranks test). The center of pressure along the Y axis of orientation from the toe to the heel was found to deviate significantly toward the heel postoperatively, as compared with the preoperative center in the subgroup of 16 patients with exotropia (p < 0.05). Before surgery, 15 patients with no stereoacuity exhibited a greater amount of body sway when their eyes were open than did 13 patients with measurable stereoacuity (p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test). In the subgroup of 16 patients with exotropia when their eyes open, 3 patients with abnormal head posture exhibited more extensive body sway than did 13 patients without abnormal head posture (p < 0.05). Body sway was found to significantly increase immediately after strabismus surgery in children with strabismus. Stereoacuity and abnormal head posture are 2 clinical factors associated with preoperative postural instability.

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