
Body lice and bed bugs are hematophagous insects that parasitize humans. Body lice are established vectors of several bacterial pathogens (e.g. Bartonella quintana, Borrelia recurrentis). Bed bugs are biologically competent vectors of some of the same agents, but their vectorial capacity for these in nature is unclear. In particular, a lack of exposure to louse-borne pathogens in bed bugs in the field could be a factor that limits their contribution to transmission. Here, we describe a case of a patient seen in an urban emergency department who was suffering from infestation with both body lice and bed bugs. Insects were collected from the patient and tested for the presence of louse-borne bacterial pathogens using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Although no Bartonella, Borrelia, or Rickettsia were detected, this case provides evidence of ecological overlap between body lice and bed bugs and highlights several potential risk factors for co-infestation. The ecological relationships between bed bugs, body lice, and louse-borne bacteria should be further investigated in the field to determine the frequency of co-infestations and identify possible instances of pathogen infection in bed bugs.

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