
Introduction: Adolescents need balanced nutrition to increase physical growth and development very rapidly. In Indonesia, the nutritional problems in adolescents are complex, namely obesity, malnutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies such as anemia. Adolescent nutritional status is influenced by various factors such as eating behavior and body image. Objective: This study aims to identify the relationship between eating behavior, body image, and nutritional status of adolescents. Method: The research design used cross-sectional. Respondents were 62 teenagers at SMAK Karitas 3 Surabaya who met the inclusion criteria and was taken using a simple random sampling technique. Eating behavior was assessed using the Eating Behavior Patterns Questionnaire. Body image is assessed by questionnaire and adolescent nutritional status is based on body mass index. Results: The study showed that 56.5% of adolescents had a positive body image, 93.5% of adolescents with healthy eating behavior and 35.5% of nutritional status based on body mass index were in the normal category. Spearman correlation test showed that there was a significant relationship between body image and adolescent nutritional status, with a negative correlation (p = 0.0001, r = -0.447). There was no relationship between eating behavior and nutritional status of adolescents (p=0.711). Conclusion: Body image is related to nutritional status, where the increase in nutritional status will be followed by a decrease in body image. Although the eating behavior of adolescents is healthy, they still experience nutritional status disorders, namely overweight and obesity, so further research needs to be done regarding other factors such as a physical activity that can affect the nutritional status of adolescents


  • Adolescents need balanced nutrition to increase physical growth and development very rapidly

  • This study aims to identify the relationship between eating behavior, body image, and nutritional status of adolescents

  • Body image is assessed by questionnaire and adolescent nutritional status is based on body mass index

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Ni Luh Agustini Purnama

Abstrak Pendahuluan : Remaja sangat memerlukan zat gizi yang seimbang untuk peningkatan pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Status gizi remaja dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti perilaku makan dan body image. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengindetifikasi hubungan perilaku makan, body image dengan status gizi remaja. Body image dinilai dengan kuesioner dan status gizi remaja berdasarakan indek masa tubuh. Hasil: Penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 56,5% remaja memiliki gambaran body image yang positif, 93,5% remaja denga prilaku makan yang sehat dan sebesar 35,5% status gizi berdasarkan indeks masa tubuh berada pada kategori normal. Uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara body image dengan status gizi remaja, dengan korelasi negatif (p = 0,0001, r=-0,447). Tidak ada hubungan antara perilaku makan dengan status gizi remaja (p=0,711). Walaupan perilaku makan remaja sehat tetapi masih mengalami gangguan status gizi yaitu overweight dan obesitas sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut terkait faktor lain seperti aktifitas fisik yang dapat mempengaruhi status gizi remaja

Kesehatan menunjukkan di Indonesia bahwa
Pernah tidaknya mendapatkan
Perilaku makan tidak
Status Gizi Remaja
Tubuh Dan Pola Konsumsi Dengan Status
Gizi Untuk Keperawatan dan Gizi
Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girl Age
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