
Offline learning during the Covid-19 pandemic can change adolescents’ lifestyles, including dietary patterns that havean effect on increasing body weight so that it can have an impact on negative body image perceptions. This study aimedto determine the relationship between body image perception and adolescents nutritional status in Pekanbaru Cityduring the Covid-19 pandemic. The research design was a cross sectional study. The research sample was adolescents inPekanbaru City with an age range of 12-25 years old, totaling 194 people. The data was obtained from the results of fillingout the questionnaire independently which was distributed to sample via Google Form. Data analysis used the spearmancorrelation test with p value<0,05. Total samples who were satisfied with their bodies were 33,0% and dissatisfied were67,0%. The nutritional status of sample were 4,6% very thin, 13,4% thin, 68,0% normal, 9,8% overweight, and 4,2% obesity.The results showed that there was a significant relationship between body image perception and adolescents nutritionalstatus in Pekanbaru City during the Covid-19 pandemic (p=0,000; r=0,609). The problem of dissatisfaction with bodyimage can make a adolescent have negative thoughts and have an impact on abnormal nutritional status. The need for apsychological approach to adolescents in increasing their confidence in their own body image.

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