
Introduction. The balance of the torso is the result of the interaction of various systems of the body, which provides a stable vertical position in space, which includes such components as afferentation, integration, effectors, and the peripheral nervous system. Material and methods. A clinical and radiological study of the coronal and sagittal alignment was carried out: 220 patients with idiopathic and neurogenic deformities of the thoracic and lumbar spine (n = 98) and hip instability (n = 122), capable of walking. The reference group is represented by 60 relatively healthy children without scoliotic spinal deformities with stable hip joints. Radiological parameters were evaluated by orthostatic X-rays for the indicated groups of children when comparing the obtained data with reference values. Results. The features of changes in the pelvic incidence (PI) and other parameters of the spin alignment in patients with hip instability, significantly different from patients with spinal deformities and the reference group, were revealed. Conclusion. The obtained results of the study call us to pay more attention to the parameters of the coronal and sagittal alignment as a total. Assessment and preoperative planning of only local X-ray anatomical parameters in order to predict their postoperative changes does not take into account changes in the coronal and sagittal balance, which, according to most published data, determines the further quality of life of patients.

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