
Key terms and teachings Dao: Chinese term for the “way”/“path” and source of all being. Diamond Sutra: English name of the Mahayana Vajracchedika - prajnaparamita Sutra . It is concerned with the perfection of wisdom and the teaching on emptiness. Gradual Enlightenment: In Chinese Buddhism this is the view of the “Northern School” that enlightenment is realized only gradually after many years of practice and meditation. Koan: Zen term (from Chinese kung-an ) literally meaning “public case.” It refers to a question or puzzle that is meant to help practitioners overcome dualistic thinking and realize insight into reality. Lankavatara Sutra: Collection of Mahayana teachings, especially of Yogacara Buddhism, focusing on the role of the mind, various forms of consciousness, emptiness, and tathagata - garbha (womb of the Buddha). It was very influential in the Chan and Zen traditions. Lotus Sutra: English name for the Saddhammapunarika Sutra which expounds the idea that there is really only one true vehicle or Ekayana , and that the Buddha, out of compassion, continues to be present in the world to help those in need of his assistance. Paramitas: Sanskrit term for “perfections” or “virtuous qualities” possessed by the Mahayana ideal of practice, the bodhisattva . These include: generosity or giving – dana , morality – sila , patience or forbearance – khanti / ksanti , effort or zealous striving – viriya / virya , meditation or focused mind – jhana / dhyana or samadhi , and wisdom or insight – prajna . Platform Sutra: Chinese sutra containing the biography and teachings of Huineng, the sixth patriarch of the Chan school of Buddhism. Paccekabuddha / Pratyekabuddha: Pali and Sanskrit for a “solitary” Buddha who does not teach the Dhamma to other beings. […]

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