
This study aims to identify and overcome challenges in the governance of boarding services in Islamic boarding schools. The needs analysis reveals problems with dormitory facilities, including capacity, number, proficiency, and the quality of dormitory coaches. This research develops a structured HASANAH boarding service governance model by highlighting three aspects: Boarding Services, Management Principles and Quality Management, and HR/Dormitory Coach Roles. The model's validity, practicality, and effectiveness are evaluated to improve the quality of boarding school services. This research employs the Research and Development (R&D) method with a systems approach consisting of four stages: (1) Preliminary study stage; (2) Model development stage; (3) Product validation and trial phase; and (4) Model production stage. Data is sourced from the results of validation of education experts and management about the content and construct of the model, as well as assessment data from cottage managers, teachers/coaches, and students about the quality of Islamic boarding school services. The instruments used are questionnaires, observation sheets, and interviews. Research data analysis techniques use quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results provide a detailed picture of development conditions and needs through average values and percentages for each aspect. Testing the validity and practicality of the model shows a high level of acceptance and usability on the part of Islamic boarding schools, supporting the conclusion that this model is valid and practical to be applied as one of the guidelines in the governance of boarding services. The evaluation of the model's effectiveness highlights its positive impact on improving the quality of boarding services. With the positive results of the trial, it can be concluded that this model is able to make a real contribution to improving aspects of boarding services in the Islamic boarding school environment. This research provides an in-depth view and potentially significant solutions to improve the governance of boarding services in South Sulawesi.

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