
As it is understood from the hadeeths narrated from the Prophet, the Quran was revealed upon seven ahruf/letters. Muslim scholars indicate that the basis of qiraats are these kind of hadeeths. It is understood that most qiraats are phonetic differences, which do not have any effect on meaning of Quran. However, it is known that some qiraats contribute to the meaning of some unclear words and verses of the Quran in some way. Muslim scholars wrote books to explain some unclear words (gharib al-Quran) of Quran for readers. One of these scholars who wrote a book in this field was Ibn Qutayba. The book of gharib al-Quran writers widely benefited from Arabic prose and poetry, different usage of tribes when they explained meaning of a word in their books. Because it is observed that, some of qiraats are in a strong relationship with different usage of Arabic and dialects. In this article, the relationship between qiraat and linguistic tafsir of Quran in Ibn Qutayba’s Tafser gharib al-Quran will be studied. In this framework, the qiraats, which are in the book, will be found out and they will be sorted according to purpose of book/writer. In this way it will be studied to set forth the relationship between qiraat and linguistic tafsir of Quran in Ibn Qutayba’s book. Finally, upon this study it will be tried to make general conclusion.

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