
We are encouraged by Lutwak and Dill's letter, and we agree that health care competency, accessibility, and equity are among the key goals that should drive service to our veterans. Because a burgeoning research base documents health issues among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (i.e., sexual and gender minority) veterans, we are likely to see disparities similar to those currently identified in nonveteran sexual and gender minority populations (e.g., smoking, suicide risk, victimization). However, there also may be unique issues among sexual and gender minority veterans yet to be uncovered (e.g., trauma from childhood adversity interacting with military trauma). Surveillance of disparities is crucial, and there are critical needs for intervention and implementation science to address disparities. Here we take the opportunity to comment on the latter to briefly highlight that action is indeed taking place both within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and within health care practice and research in general. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print June 14, 2012: e1-e2. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2012.300815). Language: en

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