
The article describes the integration of digital technologies in the educational process by SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) developed by Ruben Puentedura. The stages of the use of digital technologies in the educational process are considered. The application of these technologies to improve learning is justified. The examples are given that demonstrate the stage of routine use of digital technologies at the levels of Substitution and Augmentation, and the stage of innovative use of digital technologies at the levels of Modification and Redefinition. Bloom’s taxonomy is described, which is learning through a set of concepts that begin with lower-order thinking skills and advance to higher-order thinking skills. The relationship between the SAMR model and the development of higher-order cognitive skills in Bloom’s taxonomy was studied. An example of the joint use of the SAMR model and Bloom’s taxonomy in the framework of the formation of digital competencies of future teachers when studying the discipline “Digital education technologies” is considered.

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