
A study of a number of cases of dementia praecox and manicdepressive insanity from the point of view of blood sugar tolerance, as determined by means of Benedict's 1 modification of the Lewis-Benedict method for the determination of sugar in the blood, has been made. Such a study was regarded as of special interest because of the apparent meagerness of mention in the literature of previous work in this field. At the onset of our experiment the only reference of any pertinence was that of Weston 2 in which presentation is made merely of single (apparently nonfasting) blood sugar determinations upon a series of patients classified essentially upon the basis of ward behavior, rather than of actual clinical status. In another article appearing since, Weston 3 reports a second series of cases of dementia praecox and manic-depressive insanity in which single fasting bloods were examined for glucose according to the

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