
Blood Se of adult horses was 26.1, 25.8, and 27.0 ng/ml (mean values at 3 farms), where the Se of food was about 20 ng/g dry substance. Experimental adult horses which received about 41 ng Se/g food showed 45.3 ng/ml blood. At low Se intake suckling foals show higher blood Se than mares, but with high Se intake, the opposite will occur. This is reflected in milk Se, which raises but slowly with rise of mare’s blood Se. Se in blood plasma and in blood corpuscles is on the same level. The effect of various dose levels of Se on blood Se was studied: From 1.5 to 6 mg Se/week, blood Se rose rather linearity; 18 and 30 rag Se/week gave but slightly more effect than 6 mg.

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