
The Big Blue Test (BBT) is an annual initiative by the Diabetes Hands Foundation to raise awareness of the importance of physical activity in managing diabetes. Individuals with diabetes voluntarily exercise and record self-monitored blood glucose levels. During the 2012 BBT, 5,157 diabetic participants (∼90% insulin users) anonymously entered exercise type, intensity, duration, time elapsed since last meal, and blood glucose readings before and after one or more bouts of exercise separately through www.BigBlueTest.org or an iPhone app. Based on a prior BBT (1), exercise choices were walking, running/jogging, cycling, conditioning machines, dancing, and other exercise (nonspecified). Intensity was moderate or vigorous. Duration was ≤10, 11–19, 20–29, or ≥30 min. The timing of exercise after the last meal was 30 min and 1, 2, or ≥3 h ago. Data were reported as mean ± SD. Walking was reported most frequently (48.5%), followed …

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