
Arterial oxygen (Po 2) and carbon-dioxide (Pco 2) tensions were measured in 12 patients with clinically severe asthma (status asthmaticus) and 64 patients with clinically less severe asthma. Hypoxæmia, hypercapnia, and acidosis were common in patients in status asthmaticus. The greatest deviations from normal recorded were: Po 2 39 mm. Hg, Pco 2 200 mm. Hg, pH 6·81. Patients with clinically less severe asthma commonly showed disturbances of blood-gas tensions. Of 64 patients, arterial Po 2 was less than 60 mm. Hg in 14, and arterial Pco2 greater than 45 mm. Hg in 9. Arterial Po2 values were as low as 50 mm. Hg without elevation of arterial Pco 2. The demonstration of such disturbances of blood-gas tensions in patients whose asthma does not appear to be clinically severe provides a basis for sudden " unexpected " deterioration and death when airways obstruction increases further.

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