
Descriptive information regarding the peripheral blood of normal whale sharks Rhin- codon typus Smith 1828 is presented based on samples collected from 2 healthy female specimens held in an aquarium collection. Erythrocyte morphology was similar to other orectolobiforms and major leukocyte types were similar to other non-carcharhinid sharks. The numerically dominant pop- ulation was the lymphocyte (46%), followed by the fine eosinophilic granulocyte or heterophil (39.5%). The remaining 15% of white blood cells were divided among coarse eosinophilic granulo- cytes or eosinophils, simple neutrophils, monocytes similar to those of most elasmobranchs and a rare basophilic stippled granulocyte or basophil. Thrombocytes were similar to those of other shark spe- cies; no granulated thrombocytes were observed in this species. Blood gas data and serum chemistry values are also presented. For comparison, 22 blood samples collected from 2 moribund male speci- mens showed that the heterophil/lymphocyte ratio may be a potentially useful biomarker of whale shark health. A pattern of marked heterophilia in these animals became more pronounced as their clinical condition deteriorated. These data represent the first exploration of the internal biology of the world's largest fish.

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