
Nowadays, various online education platforms (such as MOOCs, Coursera, XuetangX and so on) not only provide a broad Internet environment for sharing multimedia learning resources, but also bring a series of challenges in digital rights management, such as the infringement of digital copyrights of multimedia learning resources, the insecurity of digital education certificates, and the low degree of openness of multimedia learning resources. To sovle these issues, we propose a blockchain-enabled digital rights management system, which includes an entirely new network architecture for sharing and managing multimedia resources of online education on the basis of the combination of the public and private blockchains, as well as three specific smart contract schemes for the realization of the recording of multimedia digital rights, the secure storage and the unmediated verification of digital certificates, respectively. The proposed blockchain-enabled digital rights management system has been demonstrated as a promising candidate solution to the blockchain-based multimedia data protection in an online education environment.

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