
Even if graphical authentications are the greatest substitute to subdue the flaws of alphanumeric authentications, nowadays, alphanumeric passwords are widely preferred by most service providers. The encrypted password repository is cracked by the intruder using the rainbow table attack. Rainbow tables stimulate password-cracking considerably faster than former techniques such as brute-force approach and dictionary attacks. Here, a robust encryption technique is utilized before saving the password in the repository. Blockchain-Based Circular Fused Encryption and Wedges (CFW) algorithm is a novel encryption technique that delivers firm resilience versus rainbow table attacks and other prominent attacks. The original password database contains the hash of the particular password. In this work, the hash of the previous password is stored for the current password’s hash value and so on, based on the time of creating the password in the password database table. The last hash value is stored in the table’s first hash of the password and it is circularly fused. Moreover, it provides strong security by widening the intricacy of guessing and cracking attacks.

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