
What is the impact of blockchain technology on electronic markets in the energy sector? In this interview with Electronic Markets, Dr. Tobias Paulun, chief strategy officer of the European Energy Exchange (EEX), explains where the leading European energy exchange recognizes potentials of blockchain technology compared to existing electronic platforms and which blockchain projects EEX is working on. In his view, the impact of blockchain technology depends on the respective market segment and on the availability of solutions for safeguarding guarantees of origin. He expects that established exchange systems and blockchain-based systems will coexist in this strongly regulated and specialized industry.


  • What is the impact of blockchain technology on electronic markets in the energy sector? In this interview with Electronic Markets, Dr Tobias Paulun, chief strategy officer of the European Energy Exchange (EEX), explains where the leading European energy exchange recognizes potentials of blockchain technology compared to existing electronic platforms and which blockchain projects EEX is working on

  • In summer 2009, he joined EEX Group, where he is responsible for the strategy department and has been on the Management Board since 2015

  • Energy exchanges emerged with the liberalization and the unbundling of the energy sector in the late 1990s and early 2000s in the European Union (EU)

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EEX company profile

EEX is the leading energy exchange in Europe. It offers contracts on power, natural gas and emission allowances, as well as freight and agricultural products. The expansion of renewable energies throughout Europe is leading to a decentralization of the energy industry Is this an advantage for blockchain technology?. Technologies are already well developed, and the blockchain, as such, does not offer substantial added value here. Instead, it may be regarded as another technological option, which more or less faces the same challenges as the established systems. 9406 TWh not new and was not invented with the blockchain These decentralized markets involve a number of challenges: A situation must be avoided in regional markets in which every region or, in extreme cases, every street uses its own technology and its own platform. It would be important to sell surplus volumes from one region through a competitive organized market in other regions

Which role do you see for EEX in the decentralized markets?
Exchanges will also establish bridges between market categories?
How important is transaction volume for new products?
What were the main learnings from these projects?
How important are smart contracts for energy trading?
How close will energy exchanges move to the end consumers?
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