
Every development in communication standards up to this point has been driven by the need to provide end users with high-speed access. Although future-proof 5G and well beyond systems are being designed to accommodate the varying needs of a wide range of use cases, the emphasis has shifted significantly due to 5G. These requirements encompass Accelerated Wireless Internet, Massive Computer Telecommunications, and Special Low Latency Communications. It will be important to rethink the current deployment of cellular networks in order to realise these features in 5G and beyond, since just inventing new radio access methods and leveraging extra spectrum will not be enough. Application networking, content delivery network abstraction, computer vision, and data storage are just some of the technologies being implemented into 5G networks to satisfy the demands of a wide range of requirements. However, there are a number of challenges presented by these technologies because to concerns around decentralization, transparency, compatibility, privacy, and security. Block chain’s distributed ledger system, cryptographically secured data storage, audit ability, immutability, and transparency have helped it gain traction as a potential answer to these issues. In this research, we take a look at the most up-to-date deployment of Blockchain in 5Mobile communications and examine how it might help 5G and beyond smart systems to provide a wide range of services in the front-haul, border, and core.

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