
The adoption of blockchain technology began with the creation of several cryptocurrencies. It was initially employed as a peer-to-peer ledger for recording bitcoin cryptocurrency transactions. Researchers and professionals are becoming more and more aware of the huge potential of the technology that underpins bitcoin. This is mainly due to its unique features including decentralization, security, reliability, and data integrity. Blockchain is currently seen as a multipurpose technology with enormous potential. Applications built on the blockchain come with built-in features like authenticity, stability, and agreement. In addition, information kept on a blockchain ledger can be viewed from anywhere at any time. The management and upkeep of educational records have a lot of potential for blockchain technology. Despite this growing interest, little is known about the knowledge and practice surrounding the application of blockchain technology in education at the moment. Blockchain in education is still in its early phases of development. The adoption of blockchain technology in educational institutions is still relatively low. The majority of these institutions use it to verify and disseminate academic credentials and/or learning outcomes that their students have attained. Blockchain technology, according to experts, has a lot more to give and has the potential to change the industry. This paper does a thorough analysis of the literature on blockchain-based educational applications. It focuses on four key topics: (1) Literature review for papers based on blockchain-based education applications 2) Potential uses cases in this field (3) Some popular projects developed in education (4) Future trends in the current discussion associated with implementing blockchain technology in education.

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