
In recent years, blockchain technology has been applied in the educational domain because of its salient advantages, i.e., transparency, decentralization, and immutability. Available systems typically use public blockchain networks such as Ethereum and Bitcoin to store learning results. However, the cost of writing data on these networks is significant, making educational institutions limit data sent to the target network, typically containing only hash codes of the issued certificates. In this paper, we present a system based on a private blockchain network for lifelong learning data authentication and management named B4E (Blockchain For Education). B4E stores not only certificates but also learners’ training data such as transcripts and educational programs in order to create a complete record of the lifelong education of each user and verify certificates that they have obtained. As a result, B4E can address two types of fake certificates, i.e., certificates printed by unlawful organizations and certificates issued by educational institutions for learners who have not met the training requirements. In addition, B4E is designed to allow all participants to easily deploy software packages to manage, share, and check stored information without depending on a single point of access. As such, the system enhances the transparency and reliability of the stored data. Our experiments show that B4E meets expectations for deployment in reality.

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