
Blockchain technology is evolving and revolutionizing the IT industry with better security, efficiency, and resilience. Blockchain technology is being used in many applications majorly in cryptocurrencies and bitcoin applications. Verified transactions which make a block and group of such transactions or blocks are immutable making the blockchain more secured and reliable. Blockchain achieves decentralization of power, trust, and secured of being hacked, which solves major problems or issues with the current systems. Ethereum, the most widely used blockchain platform because of its unlimited block size. Many complex problems with smart contracts can be implemented with Ethereum and the eradication of third party organizations interfering in transactions helps solving the issues of financial crisis and it is easy to implement compared to other blockchain technologies. There are certain limitations/issues in processing large number of transactions due to lack of speed in processing the transactions. Ethereum Blockchain code will be executed by different clients with varying speed and the performance level will be different. The goal of this paper is to understand Ethereum transactions and perform the comparative analysis of Geth and Parity ethereum clients on the private blockchain. In this paper, a private blockchain network is setup where the nodes will share the data among peer nodes or blocks within the network. Using this network setup a democracy voting application is developed which makes use of the blockchain to store and process the data, smart contracts are deployed to execute the transactions. Performance analysis of the two most popular ethereum clients Geth and Parity is carried out considering time, consistency and scalability parameters. Results interpret that the overall transactions are 91% on average faster in parity client as compared to Geth client.

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