
Regular up-gradation in the standards of the wireless networks and to sustain in the market with the best services, are the key challenges to the services providers of the telecommunication industries. Traditional mobile number portability system (TMNPS) is based on the manual process, in which existing service provider and the new service provider have to undergo certain transfers once a porting request is generated by the user. Slow processing of request, lack of transparency among the entities involved, and delay during the verification are the major challenges in the TMNPS. Moreover, a third-party is required to ensure the security of the stored and regulated data. Motivated from these facts, in this paper, we propose a blockchain-based mobile number portability scheme, which uses an Ethereum blockchain technology and call routing mechanism to handle the request of the user. The secured royalty contract transactions and secure call routing mechanism are the potential part of the proposed scheme. We then evaluated the performance of the proposed scheme and functionalities of the proposed smart contracts (SCs) using experimental setup with respect to various parameters. Results show that the transition time taken by the proposed scheme is only 4 seconds for 200 blocks and TMNPS took 6 seconds to execute the 200 blocks.

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