
Abstract: This research paper explores the emerging field of crowdfunding and its integration with blockchain technology. Crowdfunding has gained significant traction as a viable alternative to traditional funding methods, empowering entrepreneurs and innovators to raise capital directly from the public. However, this fundraising model is not without its limitations, including issues of trust, transparency, and intermediaries' control over the process. In recent years, blockchain technology has emerged as a potential solution to address these challenges. Blockchain's inherent properties of transparency, immutability, and decentralization offer promising opportunities for transforming the crowdfunding landscape. This research paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and challenges associated with implementing blockchain in crowdfunding. It examines real-world use cases and discusses how blockchain enhances transparency, mitigates fraud risks, reduces transaction costs, and enables global participation. Furthermore, it explores the potential impact of blockchain on crowdfunding ecosystems, including its implications for investors, entrepreneurs, and regulatory frameworks.

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