
We can’t consider blockchain only as a change, but as a fast phenomenon that is already on the move. It is a new wave of disturbances that has come to redesign the interactions that involve any form of exchange of values. It brings a new perspective on security, resilience, and effectiveness of systems. It initially became popular with the emergence of cryptocurrencies. Currently, it is more than just a base for this type of coins, since its materialization it has already made inroads in different areas and industries, which we can highlight the area of health and healthcare. It was originally designed to hold transaction data, however, there is growing interest in providing analytics capabilities. The stored data can be used to respond to organizational needs such as: providing provenance histories, predictive planning, fraud identification, regulatory compliance, etc.In this article, in section 2, an overview of blockchain technology will be presented. An introduction to the topic Business Analytics will be carried out in section 3, so that it can later be related to the topic under study. The Blockchain Analytics concept will be presented in general in section 4. In the following section we will present several applicability of this technology in the health sector and, finally, a small conclusion and the future work that we intend to follow will be presented.

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