
Internal Mg2+ blocks many potassium channels including Kv1.5. Here, we show that internal Mg2+ block of Kv1.5 induces voltage-dependent current decay at strongly depolarised potentials that contains a component due to acceleration of C-type inactivation after pore block. The voltage-dependent current decay was fitted to a bi-exponential function (tau(fast) and tau(slow)). Without Mg2+, tau(fast) and tau(slow) were voltage-independent, but with 10 mM Mg2+, tau(fast) decreased from 156 ms at +40 mV to 5 ms at +140 mV and tau(slow) decreased from 2.3 s to 206 ms. With Mg2+, tail currents after short pulses that allowed only the fast phase of decay showed a rising phase that reflected voltage-dependent unbinding. This suggested that the fast phase of voltage-dependent current decay was due to Mg2+ pore block. In contrast, tail currents after longer pulses that allowed the slow phase of decay were reduced to almost zero suggesting that the slow phase was due to channel inactivation. Consistent with this, the mutation R487V (equivalent to T449V in Shaker) or increasing external K+, both of which reduce C-type inactivation, prevented the slow phase of decay. These results are consistent with voltage-dependent open-channel block of Kv1.5 by internal Mg2+ that subsequently induces C-type inactivation by restricting K+ filling of the selectivity filter from the internal solution.

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