
To highlight a novel surgical approach for the management of undescended ovaries in those presenting with infertility, to allow for potential transvaginal egg retrieval. The video demonstrates a novel surgical approach for mobilization and oophoropexy of undescended ovaries to allow for future transvaginal egg retrieval in the context of artificial reproductive technology (ART). Case report. Institutional Review Board approval is not required because this was not a human study. Patient consent was obtained for video footage. Hospital. We present a 26-year-old nulligravid woman with a unicornuate uterus, a high riding-right ovary, and an undescended left ovary with prior laparoscopic remnant uterine horn resection. Because of her 9 years of infertility and a prior unsuccessful ovarian mobilization and oophoropexy, she was referred for consideration of a repeat laparoscopic bilateral ovarian mobilization and oophoropexy. Surgical intervention for undescended ovaries. Postoperative ovarian location and postoperative pain. The patient reported minimal pain postoperatively at 6 weeks. Multiple follow-up imaging revealed both ovaries behind the uterus (antral follicle counts 15), with easy transvaginal access for future ART. Undescended ovary is uncommon and usually requires no treatment. However, intervention may be required in the context of infertility and ART, where transvaginal egg retrieval is impossible because of the location of the ovaries. This is the first educational video to our knowledge highlighting a novel surgical approach for the management of undescended ovaries.

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