
Although several highly accurate blind source separation algorithms have already been proposed in the literature, these algorithms must store and process the whole data set which may be tremendous in some situations. This makes the blind source separation infeasible and not realisable on VLSI level, due to a large memory requirement and costly computation. This paper concerns the algorithms for solving the problem of tremendous data sets and high computational complexity, so that the algorithms could be run on-line and implementable on VLSI level with acceptable accuracy. Our approach is to partition the observed signals into several parts and to extract the partitioned observations with a simple activation function performing only the "shift-and-add" micro-operation. No division, multiplication and exponential operations are needed. Moreover, obtaining an optimal initial de-mixing weight matrix for speeding up the separating time will be also presented. The proposed algorithm is tested on some benchmarks available online. The experimental results show that our solution provides comparable efficiency with other approaches, but lower space and time complexity.

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