
This paper addresses post processing for resolution enhancement of sequences of short exposure adaptive optics (AO) images of space objects. The unknown residual blur is removed using Bayesian maximum a posteriori blind image restoration techniques. In the problem formulation, both the true image and the unknown blur psf's are represented by the flexible generalized Gaussian Markov random field (GGMRF) model. The GGMRF probability density function provides a natural mechanism for expressing available prior information about the image and blur. Incorporating such prior knowledge in the deconvolution optimization is crucial for the success of blind restoration algorithms. For example, space objects often contain sharp edge boundaries and geometric structures, while the residual blur psf in the corresponding partially corrected AO image is spectrally band limited, and exhibits while the residual blur psf in the corresponding partially corrected AO image is spectrally band limited, and exhibits smoothed, random , texture-like features on a peaked central core. By properly choosing parameters, GGMRF models can accurately represent both the blur psf and the object, and serve to regularize the deconvolution problem. These two GGMRF models also serve as discriminator functions to separate blur and object in the solution. Algorithm performance is demonstrated with examples from synthetic AO images. Results indicate significant resolution enhancement when applied to partially corrected AO images. An efficient computational algorithm is described.

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