
16 !789:;( /;?@AB'$CDEF$GH #$:9IJ'K)LMNO3PI. 7Q RSTU !ST% BV W3Machine to Machine (M2M) 7X9YZ[$EZigBee\]AV&^_9Personal Area Network (PAN) 78%ABV`a;?R9STb cde, PAN  fV WU;?\9ST HghAijI. k l7Q9M2M ST Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)  ! #$ %m? !ST%LpVqrVsI. A@&m !9tuvawx Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)%)*VsI. y$z{)*E|p}4~%Sm7QHypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)(ST|p%#€'(, CoAPAHTTP‚Iƒ2„0 '†‡ˆ, ƒ21% ‰Š‹ŒŽ RE22% U‘ˆ %‚n’%“ P”I.AbstractWith the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) technology that allows the communications between things and devices over the Internet, a lot of researches on the IoT services, such as smart home or healthcare, have been progressed. In the existing machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, however, since the underlying link-layer technologies, such as Bluetooth or ZigBee, do not use the Internet Protocol (IP) communication, those technologies are not suitable to provide the IoT services. Accordingly, this paper discusses how to provide the Internet services in the M2M communication, and propose an implementation of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) over 6LoWPAN for providing IoT services in the BLE networks. Based on the implementation, we compared the performance between HTTP and CoAP for IoT communications. From the experimental results, we can see that the CoAP protocol gives better performance than the HTTP protocol with two times higher throughput, 21% faster transmission time, and 22% smaller amount of generated packets.Keyword : IoT, Bluetooth Low Energy, 6LoWPAN, CoAP

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