
Blast-related traumatic brain injury (bTBI) is a significant cause of wartime morbidity and mortality. In recent decades, thermobaric explosives have emerged as particularly devastating weapons associated with bTBI. With recent documentation of the use of these weapons in the war in Ukraine, clinicians and laypersons alike could benefit from an improved understanding behind the dynamic interplay between explosive weaponry, its potential for bTBI, and the subsequent long-term consequences of these injuries. Therefore, we provide a general overview of the history and mechanism of action of thermobaric weapons and their potential to cause bTBI. In addition, we highlight the long-term cognitive and neuropsychiatric sequelae following bTBI and discuss diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitation strategies, with the aim of helping to guide mitigation strategies and humanitarian relief in Ukraine. Thermobaric weapons produce a powerful blast wave capable of causing bTBIs, which can be further classified from primary to quaternary injuries. When modeling the hypothetical use of thermobaric weapons in Odessa, Ukraine, we estimate that the detonation of a salvo of thermobaric rockets has the potential to affect approximately 272 persons with bTBIs. In addition to the short-term damage, patients with bTBIs can present with long-term symptoms (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder), which incur substantial financial costs and social consequences. Although these results are jarring, history has seen radical advancements in the understanding, diagnosis, and management of bTBI. Moving forward, a better understanding of the mechanism and long-term sequelae of bTBIs could help guide humanitarian relief to those affected by the war in Ukraine.

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