
Chikungunya is an arbovirus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Significant epidemics have been reported in Reunion in 2005–2006 and the French West Indies whose Martinique in 2013-2014. Mainly, Chikungunya is characterized by polyarthralgia and fever. Patients also related overactive or hypoactive bladder. Those bladder dysfunctions have been described in literature just one time by an Indian team [1] in 2006–2007. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe these disorders. Patients were enrolled using a screening urinary disorders questionnaire through Chikungunya consultation in academic hospital of Fort-de France from January 2015. Recruitment of 51 patients: urinary urgency (58%), nocturia (66%), stress urinary incontinence (45%), daytime urinary frequency (15%), enuresis (7%), dysuria (27%). Urodynamic studies show overactive detrusor (57%) with and without detrusor-external sphincter dyssynergia (42%), or intrinsic sphincter deficiency (42%). Dysuria (42%) at flow determination. Bladder dysfunctions in acute Chikungunya are frequent, and may become chronical. Hypothesis concerning aetiology are myelopathy or neuropathy. Evolution of symptoms is uncertain. A study evaluating the follow up of those patients is still going on.

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