
Total power outage Thursday 02 January 2022 in the Fakfak Regency electric power system due to tripping of the MAN-04 engine and the MAN-07 engine (PLN) with installed power of 528 kW, operating power of 350 kW, and due to tripping of the KOMATSU-09 engine and the KOMATSU-12 (P3) engine has an installed power of 800 kW, an operating power of 450 kW at the Cotton Garden PLTD, there is an overload on the generator engines that are still operating. This is not effective and efficient, the power generated is less than the load on the system, resulting in frequency instability, which decreases the frequency so that a black out occurs. To minimize blackout, load shedding is necessary so that the generating machines that are still operating are not overloaded and the system frequency remains normal. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the data processing of the frequency defense scheme at PLTD Kebun Kapas and measure the load and frequency on one of the machines. at the Cotton Plantation PLTD. Frequency Normalization is carried out referring to the load shedding simulation results carried out to maintain the balance of the power generated with the load on the system. Based on the results of the study for the MAN machine, returning the frequency from the initial load shedding of 49.44 Hz to a normal frequency of 50 Hz takes 3.6 seconds, on a MAN machine on a KOMATSU machine, to return the frequency from 49.28 Hz to a normal frequency of 50 Hz, it takes 5.2 seconds on each KOMATSU machine.

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