
English language is a part of a wider, Indo-European, family of languages. It is a part of a Germanic group of languages that, alongside many other groups, originated from the reconstructed Proto – Indo – European language. English was the language of Germanic tribes of Angles and Saxons which inhabited Britain in the 5th century after the withdrawal of the Romans. The Germanic group of languages encompasses languages such as Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic and English. Germanic group of people was once in close contact with Celtic and Italic groups and earlier than that with all other Indo – European people, like Greek, Iranian, Armenian, Slavic, Baltic, etc. Via the analysis of the word adder, we present the evidence of a closer association of Germanic, Italic and Celtic groups of languages and their origin as Indo – European nations. Through this analysis we are able to present and teach students of the origin of the English language and its subsequent influence on the British culture.

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