
We study charged AdS black hole solutions in five-dimensional Chern-Simons supergravity. The minimal supergroup containing such AdSxU(1) configurations is the superunitary group SU(2,2|N). For this model, we find analytic black hole solutions that asymptote to locally AdS spacetime at the boundary. A solution can carry U(1) charge provided the spacetime torsion is non-vanishing. Thus, we analyze the most general configuration consistent with the local AdS isometries in Riemann-Cartan space. The coupling of torsion in the action resembles that of the universal axion of string theory, and it is ultimately due to this field that the theory acquires propagating degrees of freedom. Through a careful analysis of the canonical structure the local degrees of freedom of the theory are identified in the static symmetric sector of phase space.


  • In Anti-de Sitter (AdS)/conformal field theories (CFT), a crucial role is played by local symmetries

  • We find analytic black hole solutions that asymptote to locally AdS5 spacetime at the boundary

  • At the point in parameter space of the fivedimensional Lovelock theory that corresponds to CS gravity, the local symmetry of the theory is enhanced from SO(4, 1) (Lorentz group) to SO(4, 2)

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The ansatz

We are interested in finding an exact charged black hole solution to the field equations (2.9)– (2.11). In the local coordinates xμ = (t, r, xm) (with m = 2, 3, 4), we seek black hole solutions with planar horizon, with a metric of the form ds. The corresponding torsion-free spin connection, ωab, and curvature Rab, are given in appendix C. In this ansatz, the torsion-free part of the Pontryagin form vanishes, RabRab = 0 ,. Let us assume that the space is torsion-free, T a = 0 Let us write the field equations for this ansatz. Without torsion (ψp = 0, C = 0), the only solution to T = 0 is AdS5 with flat transverse section,.

Charged black hole solution
Torsion and degeneracy
General solution
Comparison with the axial-torsion solution
Local symmetries
Hamiltonian analysis
Effective action and equations of motion
Constraint structure
Counting of degrees of freedom
Hamiltonian local symmetries
A Chern-Simons AdS supergravity in five dimensions
B Riemann-Cartan geometry
C Symmetric ansatz in AdS space
E Black hole mass
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