
The post-Newtonian dynamics of black hole binaries in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theories of gravity depends on the so-called "sensitivities", quantities which characterize a black hole's adiabatic response to the time-dependent scalar field environment sourced by its companion. In this work, we calculate numerically the sensitivities of nonrotating black holes, including spontaneously scalarized ones, in three classes of Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: the shift-symmetric, dilatonic and Gaussian theories. When possible, we compare our results against perturbative analytical results, finding excellent agreement. Unlike their general relativistic counterparts, black holes in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity only exist in a restricted parameter space controlled by the theory's coupling constant. A preliminary study of the role played by the sensitivities in black hole binaries suggests that, in principle, black holes can be driven outside of their domain of existence during the inspiral, for binary parameters which we determine.

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