
It is shown that the ${E}_{6(6)}$ symmetric entropy formula describing black holes and black strings in $D=5$ is intimately tied to the geometry of the generalized quadrangle GQ(2, 4) with automorphism group the Weyl group $W({E}_{6})$. The 27 charges correspond to the points and the 45 terms in the entropy formula to the lines of GQ(2, 4). Different truncations with 15, 11 and 9 charges are represented by three distinguished subconfigurations of GQ(2, 4), well known to finite geometers; these are the ``doily'' [i.e. GQ(2, 2)] with 15, the ``perp set'' of a point with 11, and the ``grid'' [i.e. GQ(2, 1)] with nine points, respectively. In order to obtain the correct signs for the terms in the entropy formula, we use a noncommutative labeling for the points of GQ(2, 4). For the 40 different possible truncations with nine charges this labeling yields 120 Mermin squares---objects well known from studies concerning Bell-Kochen-Specker-like theorems. These results are connected to our previous ones obtained for the ${E}_{7(7)}$ symmetric entropy formula in $D=4$ by observing that the structure of GQ(2, 4) is linked to a particular kind of geometric hyperplane of the split Cayley hexagon of order 2, featuring 27 points located on nine pairwise disjoint lines (a distance-3-spread). We conjecture that the different possibilities of describing the $D=5$ entropy formula using Jordan algebras, qubits and/or qutrits correspond to employing different coordinates for an underlying noncommutative geometric structure based on GQ(2, 4).

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