
Stellar-mass black holes in the low-hard state may hold clues to jet formation and basic accretion disk physics, but the nature of the accretion flow remains uncertain. A standard thin disk can extend close to the innermost stable circular orbit, but the inner disk may evaporate when the mass accretion rate is reduced. Blackbody-like continuum emission and dynamically-broadened iron emission lines provide independent means of probing the radial extent of the inner disk. Here, we present an X-ray study of eight black holes in the low-hard state. A thermal disk continuum with a colour temperature consistent with $L \propto T^{4}$ is clearly detected in all eight sources, down to $\approx5\times10^{-4}L_{Edd}$. In six sources, disk models exclude a truncation radius larger than 10rg. Iron-ka fluorescence line emission is observed in half of the sample, down to luminosities of $\approx1.5\times10^{-3}L_{Edd}$. Detailed fits to the line profiles exclude a truncated disk in each case. If strong evidence of truncation is defined as (1) a non-detection of a broad iron line, {\it and} (2) an inner disk temperature much cooler than expected from the ${\rm L} \propto {\rm T}^{4}$ relation, none of the spectra in this sample offer strong evidence of disk truncation. This suggests that the inner disk may evaporate at or below $\approx1.5\times10^{-3}L_{Edd}$.

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