
The interdental papilla is extremely important for an esthetic smile. Black triangles, also known as gingival embrasures, are defined as the embrasures cervical to the interproximal contact that is not filled by the gingival tissue architecture of periodontal protection. These spaces are the foremost negatively ranked gingival factor by layman. Management of black triangles require high-quality diagnosis, and a multidisciplinary approach must be considered mandatory to attain a successful clinical outcome. Much of which is applicable is instinctive from severely complicated periodontal regeneration and implant therapy. This review will discuss the definition, etiology, classification, and various deliberations required in handling the case of a black triangle. The methods used here for selecting the topic were repeated exposure to the cases of a black triangle by the author's clinical practice. The material was selected by extracting out the content by studying the journals in all the fields of dentistry and formalizing all the obtained data together into one complete article.

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