
Simpson and Visser recently proposed a phenomenological way to avoid some kinds of space-time singularities by replacing a parameter whose zero value corresponds to a singularity (say, $r$) with the manifestly nonzero expression $r(u) = \sqrt{u^2 + b^2}$, where $u$ is a new coordinate, and $b =$ \const $>0$. This trick, generically leading to a regular minimum of $r$ beyond a black hole horizon (called a "black bounce"), may hopefully mimic some expected results of quantum gravity, and was previously applied to regularize the Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr\"om, Kerr and some other metrics. In this paper it is applied to regularize the Fisher solution with a massless canonical scalar field in general relativity (resulting in a traversable wormhole) and a family of static, spherically symmetric dilatonic black holes (resulting in regular black holes and wormholes). These new regular metrics represent exact solutions of general relativity with a sum of stress-energy tensors of a scalar field with a nonzero self-interaction potential and a magnetic field in the framework of nonlinear electrodynamics with a Lagrangian function $L(F)$, $F = F_{\mu\nu} F^{\mu\nu}$. A novel feature in the present study is that the scalar fields involved have "trapped ghost" properties, that is, are phantom in a strong-field region and canonical outside it, with a smooth transition between the regions. It is also shown that any static, spherically symmetric metric can be obtained as an exact solution to the Einstein equations with the stress-energy tensor of the above field combination.

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