
The processes that lead from detection of chemicals, transduction, and coding with the appropriate message to initiate ingestion of a palatable meal or to reject a potentially noxious substance are poorly understood in vertebrates owing to the complex organization of the taste system. As a first step in elucidating the cellular basis of the behavioral differences elicited by appetitive stimuli and bitter compounds, we recorded from the afferent nerves conveying peripheral chemosensory information to the CNS in the head of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Superfusion of the chemosensory region of the lip of Hirudo with a mixture of NaCl (150 mM) and arginine (1 mM), an appetitive solution that elicits ingestion, increased the neuronal activity in the afferent cephalic nerves, for example (Zhang X, Wilson RJ, Li Y, Kleinhaus AL. 2000. Chemical and thermal stimuli have short-lived effects on the Retzius cell in the medicinal leech. J Neurobiol 43:304-311.). In the present paper we show that superfusing the lip with quinine or denatonium reduced the basal neural activity in the afferents. Furthermore, these bitter substances in the appetitive solution counteracted the increased activity the appetitive solution evoked in the cephalic nerves. Thus, the neural activity evoked by the application of appetitive and aversive stimuli to the chemosensory area of the lip paralleled the opposite behavioral responses to the same chemicals. The results suggest that individual leech taste cells possess receptors for both types of stimuli. Therefore, the leech may be a good model system in which to study peripheral taste events in cells that may possess multiple receptors and transduction mechanisms that interact to integrate information.

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