
This paper presents bistatic scattering from rough surface with an inhomogeneous layer where the permittivity is a transitionary function of depth. For reference, both homogeneous and inhomogeneous media are discussed in co- and cross polarization with various background dielectric constant and transition rate. Results show that the angular curves become more slowly in azimuthal direction in bistatic scattering, where the minimum dips are smearing out compared to those in homogeneous layer. The azimuthal dip appearing in the case of homogeneous surface starts to vanish for inhomogeneous surface, and a valley-like azimuthal curve is observed in both HH and VV polarizations, though the valley angles are different. To a great extent, the dynamic range of the scattering coefficient is reduced, particularly for VV polarization. Moreover, as for inhomogeneous medium, the HV polarized scattering coefficients are greater than VH polarization, which is opposite to the homogeneous medium. But for larger background dielectric constant, HV- and VH- polarized scattering coefficients look more symmetrical and VH polarization is relatively larger.

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