
Roughstalk bluegrass (Poa trivialis L.) contamination is problematic on golf course fairways from the Midwest to the mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. Bispyribac–sodium and sulfosulfuron have potential to selectively control roughstalk bluegrass. Our objectives were to determine the most effective herbicide treatments for short- and long-term roughstalk bluegrass control and to determine if interseeding with creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) after herbicide treatments will improve long-term control of roughstalk bluegrass or conversion to creeping bentgrass. Plots were treated with bispyribac–sodium or sulfosulfuron and then half of each plot was interseeded with creeping bentgrass in early August, 2 weeks after the final herbicide application in 2006, 2007, and 2008 in Indiana. Roughstalk bluegrass cover reduction was highest when treated with bispyribac–sodium at 56 or 74 g·ha−1 a.i. applied four times or sulfosulfuron at 27 g·ha−1 a.i. applied three times. Interseeding with creeping bentgrass improved long-term roughstalk bluegrass control and quickened conversion to creeping bentgrass. Furthermore, bispyribac–sodium and sulfosulfuron appeared to be more effective in the first 2 years of the study when seasonal heat stress was greater, which appeared to improve long-term roughstalk bluegrass control and promoted creeping bentgrass establishment. Chemical names used: {2,6-bis[(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)oxy] benzoic acid} (bispyribac–sodium), {1-[4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl]-3-[2-ethanesulfonyl-imidazo(1,2-a)pyridine-3-yl) sulfonyl]urea} (sulfosulfuron).

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