
The title compound, C32H28N2O, is a flexible Schiff base displaying a trans configuration across the C=N double bond. It was prepared in high yield by condensation of α-methyl­cinnamaldehyde and bis­(4-amino­phen­yl) ether in methanol at room temperature. The sample, with pseudo-ortho­rhom­bic cell parameters, exhibited merohedral twinning by rotation 180° around a*, with a refined twin domain fraction of 0.722 (1). The elongated shape of the elementary cell corresponds to the shape and direction of the mol­ecules. The dihedral angle between the O-linked aromatic rings is 57.86 (8)°.


  • The title compound, C32H28N2O, is a flexible Schiff base displaying a trans configuration across the C N double bond

  • It was prepared in high yield by condensation of -methylcinnamaldehyde and bis(4-aminophenyl) ether in methanol at room temperature

  • The sample, with pseudo-orthorhombic cell parameters, exhibited merohedral twinning by rotation 180 around a*, with a refined twin domain fraction of 0.722 (1)

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Oxford Diffraction Gemini diffractometer with Atlas CCD detector

Absorption correction: multi-scan (CrysAlis RED; Oxford Diffraction, 2008) Tmin = 0.682, Tmax = 0.99. V = 2519.5 (2) A 3 Z=4 Cu K radiation = 0.56 mmÀ1 T = 295 K 0.51 Â 0.38 Â 0.02 mm 15440 measured reflections 3838 independent reflections 3428 reflections with I > 3(I) Rint = 0.016 max = 61.4. The title compound, C32H28N2O, is a flexible Schiff base displaying a trans configuration across the C N double bond. It was prepared in high yield by condensation of -methylcinnamaldehyde and bis(4-aminophenyl) ether in methanol at room temperature. The sample, with pseudo-orthorhombic cell parameters, exhibited merohedral twinning by rotation 180 around a*, with a refined twin domain fraction of 0.722 (1). The elongated shape of the elementary cell corresponds to the shape and direction of the molecules. The dihedral angle between the O-linked aromatic rings is 57.86 (8)

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