
The title compound, [Ni(BMTT)2], where BMTT is 1,3-bis(2-methyltetrazol-5-yl)triazenide (C4H6N11), presents a molecular complex with tridentate ligands. The tridentate mode of the ligand is realised through the central N atom of the triazene group and two N atoms of the two tetrazole rings. The [Ni(BMTT)2] molecule is the meridional isomer, with crystallographic 4 symmetry in space group P4(2)/n. The nickel centre has a distorted octahedral environment, with two axial Ni-N bonds of 2.041 (2) A and four equatorial Ni-N bonds of 2.0739 (14) A. The molecules are linked together by van der Waals interactions only.

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