
The National Foundation—March of Dimes is pleased to announce a new Birth Defects Reprint Series. The reprints are of articles which have appeared in scientific and medical literature published in the United States and abroad. The first group of reprints is ready for distribution and includes the following: Allan C. Barnes, M.D.: Prevention of Congenital Anomalies from the Point of View of the Obstetrician—from the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Congenital Malformations, July, 1963; Leslie C. Dunn, Sc.D.: Old and New in Genetics–from Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, May, 1964; James L. German, M.D.: The Pattern of DNA Synthesis in the Chromosomes of Human Blood Cells–from Journal of Cell Biology, January, 1964; Kurt Hirschhorn, M.D.: Recent Advances in Methodology of Human Genetics—from Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, May, 1964; Henry N. Kirkman, M.D.: Genetic Control of Human Enzymes—from Pediatric Clinics of North America, May, 1963; Norman Kretchmer, M.D.: Whither Birth Defects?—from Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Autumn, 1964; R. James McKay, Jr., M.D. and Jerold F. Lucey, M.D.: Neonatology—from New England Journal of Medicine, June 4 and 11, 1964; Severo Ochoa, M.D.: The Chemical Basis of Heredity—The Genetic Code—from Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, May, 1964; Joseph P. Rossi, M.D.: High Risk Babies: Determining the Problem—from Connecticut Health Bulletin, November, 1964; Edward L. Tatum, Ph.D.: Medicine and Molecular Genetics—from Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, May, 1964. An order form is available from the Foundation, 800 Second Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.

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