
Summary Sf. Bridget distributing the Rules In Florentine representations of St. Bridget distributing her Rules for monks and nuns, we see a short figure which in type seems to go back to the historiated initials in the older illuminated manuscripts. So also on this after G. Kaftal published altar piece, which from Milano and Collection Bassi in 1898 passed into “Cenolini Sale” and thereafter traveled unknown roads. In the following century, the Saint is depicted in the wellknown altar piece by G. Sogliani from 1523 as a tall and slim figure, apparently so influenced by the large seal of the Paradiso monastery of the Order of St. Bridget, which shows the same scene with the monks and the nuns on each side receiving a book from the founder of the Order. I publish a manuscript from the Paradiso Archives in the State Archives in Florence which includes an order of November 1, 1439, of an altar piece for the nuns with the same subject. Acting as intermediary, Giuliano di Jacopo commissioned his nepot Giovanni ...

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