
© Zoo Outreach Organisation; www.zoosprint.org Manuscript 1321; Received 25 January 2005; Revised received 21 July 2005; Finally accepted 02 September 2005; Date of publication 21 October 2005 2076 Nanded district in South East of Maharashtra is situated on the bank of river Godavari. It has varied habitats like river, dams, lakes, mountain strips and agriculture fields. The predominating vegetation is typically dry deciduous type (Champion & Jeth, 1968). Common flowering tree species are Acacia arabica, Melia azadirachta, Ficus religiosa, Mangifera indica, Ficus bengalensis, Tectona grandis, Zizyphus jujuba, Vitex negundo, Caesalpinia sp., Bombax sp., Millingtonia hortensis; Butea monosperma, Bauhinia racemosa, Eucalyptus sp., Terminalia panniculta. Dominant shrubs occurring here are Lantana camera, Ipomoea convoluta, Calotropis procera, Cassia sp. etc. Aquatic weeds like Hydrilla sp., Typha sp., Cyperus sp., Chara sp., Vallisneria sp., Pistia sp. etc. are present in water bodies.

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