
This study carried out over two times in February and May in 2009 was aimed at the survey of the birds inhabiting in the whole region of Tandongcheon (Stream) that runs through Daedeok Science Town in Daejeon Metropolitan city to Gapcheon (Stream) and the adjacent area such as Maebongsan and Seongdusan urban parks. The number of birds observed during the period reached 11 orders, 23 families, 37 species, and 799 individuals (Total sum of maximum individuals). The highest dominant species was Anas crecca that was counted in 153 individuals (19.15%), while the others were Paradoxornis webbianus in 125 individuals (15.64%), Pica pica in 101 individuals (12.64%), Passer montanus in 91 individuals (11.39%), Anas poecilorhyncha in 66 individuals (8.26%), and Hypsipetes amaurotis in 41 individuals (5.13%). By seasons, 28 species 742 individuals were observed in winter while 24 species 337 individuals in spring. Especially it was notable that Amaurornis phoenicurus was observed in winter (February), which is known as a passage migrant not easily seen in Korea. In addition, the legally protected species designated as Korean National Monument in Korea such as Falco tinnunculus, Otus scops, and Ninox scutulata were observed, too.

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